Chamber of Skilled Trades in Munich
Talente 2014, Schmuck 2014
Data limite de entrega 01 Out de 2013

On the following pages, you will be able to make an online application to the Chamber of Skilled Trades in Munich for special exhibitions. The deadline is 1st October 2013.

Please have look at the previous Schmuck and Talente exhibitions during the Internationalen Handwerksmesse München:,0,1055.html,0,1038.html

On the next page, you can log on with your e-mail address and a password. If you do not have a password yet or if you have forgotten your password, the functions on this page will show you how to proceed.

Before you click to continue, please prepare your photo data for uploading. Only graphics with the file extension jpg and a size between 1,000 and 2,000 kB are permitted. The photo must be at least 16 cm wide and 16 cm high with a resolution of 300 dpi, in other words, at least 1890 x 1890 pixels.

Talente 2014 -
Schmuck 2014 -

+ info:
Tel: +49 89 5119 293 (Talente)
Tel: +49 89 5119 248 (Schmuck)
