Patricia Domingues, Brooch: Serie Duality, 2013 | Reconstructed wood, steel, formed, glued, 8x6x1cm |Talente 2014 Competition Winner, Category: Jewellery
Talente 2015 Competition
Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich
de 11 Mar a 17 Mar 2015
Inscrições até 01 Out 2014
Young artist working in the applied arts and technology will have the opportunity to show their work in the INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION TALENTE 2015 in Munich, Germany, during the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades FROM 11TH TO 17TH MARCH 2015.
In an area of 600 m², the works will be shown to a wide audience, with an international jury selecting the winners of the TALENTE prize. An illustrated catalogue will be published.
The aim of TALENTE is to promote young people with a particular manual talent and to show an interested audience the enormous potential which lies in the new generation in crafts and trades. The works will be the outcome of formal or technical considerations and experiments, showing something new and exceptional.
Participants are chosen from any section of crafts and technology. They will have made the artefact by their own hands. AGE LIMIT IS SET AT 33 IN THE DOMAINS OF CRAFTS, AND AT 35 IN THE DOMAIN OF TECHNOLOGY.
Deadline for all applications will be the 1st October 2014.
The competition is publicly funded. This covers the space on the fair itself, the catalogue entry and part of the transport of the objects to and from Munich.
Talente is an annual competition for new talent in the areas of design and technology. The focus of the competition is on work that shines through its formal and technical originality and technical perfection, and is ahead of its time.
The competition is being organised by the Munich and Upper Bavarian Chamber of Skilled Trades and jointly sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour and the Bavarian State Ministry for Economics, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology. Talente takes place every year as a special exhibition during the Munich International Skilled Trades Fair in early March. Projects by around 90 participants from ca. 25 countries are exhibited in specially designed exhibition spaces over around 600 m2.
At the start of the fair, we publish a high-quality catalogue to introduce the participants, together with a short biography and a description of the work. During the fair, an international jury nominates the winner of the Talente prize. The prize is nominal. The prize winners are mentioned again in the catalogue the following year.
The purpose of the Talente exhibition is to promote as many people as possible. It is therefore not possible to enter more than once.
We invite new talent in the areas of design and technology to enter. IN THE DESIGN SECTION, YOU MUST NOT BE MORE THAN 33 YEARS OLD in the year that the competition takes place. THE MAXIMUM AGE IN THE TECHNOLOGY SECTION IS 35. Talente entrants from previous years may not enter again.
Invitations are sent out to over 25 countries throughout Europe and beyond. The contributions are selected by a panel of experts.
Interested parties apply online with photographic and text documentation of the work that they wish to enter with. The contributions should reflect the development of the artist or technician while illustrating the type of work and the topics that s/he is currently involved in. The work may not be more than two years old.
The selection panel considers the applications and selects the entrants for the competition. The entrants' contributions are then exhibited at the Talente exhibition, which takes place during the International Skilled Trades Fair. They are appraised here by an international jury. A
catalogue of the photographic and text material sent for the exhibits is also published. Artists/technicians can only exhibit the work that they applied with.
Any other works, or newer ones, cannot be displayed. Either individual items or a group of works can be considered. Depending on the size, no more than eight works should be presented.
ENTRY IN THE EXHIBITION IS FREE OF CHARGE. The only costs that you need to bear are for transport to Munich and insurance for this transport.
Costs for collective transport from outside Germany will be paid for by the Verein zur Förderung des Handwerks e.V.
The exhibits should be labelled clearly with names and descriptions.
Please do not send any more than the agreed number of pieces of work to us as your contribution to the exhibition. For planning purposes, we require precise details of the size and weight of the pieces of work, in addition to the presentation.
Please ensure the exhibits are packed in such a way that the packing can also be used to return them after the exhibition. We cannot accept any liability for objects that are delivered to us in open, unstable containers. In this case, no insurance cover is provided.
Insurance cover is also not provided if the packing is defective or in case of defective exhibits whose packing does not show any defects upon arrival in Munich. Note that Deutsche Post (the German Postal Service) stipulates that packets must be packed securely enough to ensure that the contents cannot be damaged if they fall from a height of one metre.
Special packing rules apply for art objects. The insurance company can only provide the insurance conditions agreed with us if the utmost care if exercised.
From the point when the exhibits arrive at Spedition Schenker (the forwarding agent), they are insured by the organiser. This is on condition that the enclosed insurance lists are delivered to us at the beginning of December of the preceding year at the latest. The details in the insurance lists are a binding condition for completing the insurance contract and for drawing up the labelling of the exhibits. No modifications can be made subsequent to delivery of the insurance documents.
The insurance cover expires upon receipt of the returned objects, at the latest on 30 April of the year in which the exhibition is held.
Entry in the exhibition should be completed by this time.
The consignment must be imported correctly, together will all required customs documents. Please attach a pro forma invoice to your assignment, specifying the value of the goods. Only the entire value of each work group needs to be specified. This information about the value is only required for customs purposes.
Please also add the following information to the pro forma invoice:
Delivered Messe München (Munich Trade Fair Centre)
Goods destined for Munich and Upper Bavarian Chamber of Skilled Trades
Exhibition "Talente"
Trade Fair Centre, Halle B 1
Only for temporary use
Goods will be returned after the exhibition
Spedition Schenker
Messe München, Tor 21
Paul-Henri-Spaak-Straße 8
81829 Munich
z.Hd. Frau Victoria Planer
for Talente, Halle B 1
Tel. +49 89 94924-344
Fax +49 89 94924-339
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If you want to deliver your items yourself, inform us of this in good time.
On the insurance form, select how you would like us to return your exhibits. You can also collect you exhibits in person after closing on the final day of the trade fair. Please contact us again beforehand to arrange this. If the exhibits are returned by a forwarding agent, they must be checked for damage immediately upon delivery, ideally together with the driver. The driver should confirm the damage and enter it in the consignment documents. These documents are then to be returned to us together with photographs of the damaged item. If there is visible external damage, the type and degree of damage, as well as the date on which it was discovered must be noted on the transport document and signed by the driver from the delivery company. This is very important in order to make the forwarding agent liable in case of damage: Even if you suspect any damage, do not sign the bill of consignment without noting the external damage. If damage occurs during postal delivery, please photograph the damaged item and report it immediately at the nearest post office. All cases of damage must be reported to us within four weeks of receipt. If the damage is not reported until later, the
insurance company can decline cover. This is in accordance with normal international insurance practices.
Exhibits can be - but do not have to be - offered for sale. The exhibition organisation does not charge any commission for sales. Items that are offered for sale must be labelled with the sale price. This price must be specified bindingly in the insurance lists along with the insurance value. The sales prices that you specify in the insurance forms are binding for us. If you are from a country outside the EU, please specify a sale price that includes your country's Value Added Tax.
Please remember that the insurance value and sale value should not be identical. The insurance value is the net value of the object without VAT.
Do not forget to enter your bank account details (name of the bank, account number and sort code) in the insurance lists. For transfers to countries other than Germany, we must have the name of the bank, the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) and the IBAN (International Bank Account Number).
Please take care in filling in this information as we otherwise have no possibility to transfer the money for the sold objects to you. We charge a fee of 5 € for all bank transfers. Any costs arising from transfers are borne by the exhibitor.
A catalogue will be published for the special exhibition: Each artist will be presented with a colour photograph. We will take the photographs from your application documents. If the quality of the photographs is not sufficient, we will contact you. Please note that your photographs can be used for advertising purposes: The exhibitors agree that any photographs they send to us can be used for exhibition and press purposes.
Dates and price
You will be informed by us whether you have been selected for Talente 2015 If the decision is affirmative, you will receive an e-mail with the registration form, the insurance form and the transport sticker.
Deadline for the insurance forms Versicherung.doc.
These forms count as binding exhibition information (labelling) and must contains details of materials and sizes. Deadline for special requirements at the exhibition, such as electric power sockets, special lighting or special podiums. If your exhibit needs special equipment or fixings, please send us photographs of previous exhibitions, scale drawings or plans that illustrate how the exhibit is to be installed and displayed. If necessary, inform us of any other points that need to be considered when setting up the exhibit. Special requirements that arrive too late cannot be taken into consideration.
Timeframe for delivery of exhibits to Spedition Schenker or to the trade fair in Munich. If you wish to bring your exhibits to Schenker in person, please contact Ms Planer beforehand at +49 89 9492 4344. If you plan to install your exhibit yourself, i.e. your exhibit has special electronic installations that our assembly team cannot take care of, please ask for a delivery permit from the Talente organisation now. You will receive this on the day of installation.
6TH TO 10TH MARCH 2015
Unpacking of the objects by the exhibition team and assembly of the exhibition.
Exhibitors delivering their exhibits themselves bring them to the unpacking space
10TH MARCH 2015, 12:00
Deadline for self-assemblers to make special electronic or other installations that our assembly team cannot take care of. Self-assembly takes place in hall B1. Do not forget to bring along your coloured delivery permit, as you will not be given access to the hall without it. Note for drivers: a deposit of € 100 will be payable at the gate on this day.
11TH TO 17TH MARCH 2015
Special exhibition Talente at the International Skilled Trades Fair. Thursday 18:00 VIP evening at the fair.
Presentation of prizes on Saturday, 14th March 16:00 on the stage in hall B1 and meeting of the jewellers and the participants of the other special exhibitions in the city center.
17TH MARCH 2015
Disassembly of the exhibition. Deadline for self-assemblers and exhibitors collecting their works themselves. Note for drivers: until 8:00 p.m., the entries to the halls will be blocked by trucks. It will not be possible to collect by car until late in the evening or the following morning.
18TH MARCH 2015
Packing of exhibits for return by the exhibition team in the unpacking room. Deadline for exhibitors collecting their works themselves.
Deadline: 1st October 2014
Talente aplication form aqui
Talente Mentors' bulletin aqui
+ info:
Dr. Michaela Braesel, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern,
Abteilung Messen und Ausstellungen, Max-Joseph-Straße 4, 80333 München
T +49 89 5119-293, F +49 89 5119-245
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