Prémio de Joalharia Contemporânea
Inscrições até 15 Jul 2015


ENJOIA’T, Prize for Contemporary Jewelry Making, is a unique event within the sector, which has been rewarding the most outstanding proposals within the field of jewelry making for professionals as well as students.

ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will not find just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project.

In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.

Do you dare to join?

The selecting jury of ENJOIA’T 2015 will be composed of:

Ramon Puig Cuyàs; contemporary jeweller
Jorge Manilla; contemporary jeweller
Monika Szpatowicz; subdirector of the Srebro Festival in the Legnica Gallery in Poland
Piotr Rybaczek; director of the Basílica Gallery in Barcelona
Magda Polo; doctor of philosophy of art and president of the A-FAD

Dates and price

The specified registration materials must be handed in to the offices of the A-FAD, Edifici Disseny Hub Barcelona.
C/ Badajoz 175-177, 08018, Barcelona

Deadline 15th July, 2015.

The selected participants must present their piece on either Tuesday the 6th or Wednesday the 7th of October.

The jury will meet the semi-finalists in the Arts Santa Monica building on Thursday, October 8th, 2015.

Participation fees:

Members of the A-FAD
Professional Award: free
Student Award: free

Members of the FAD and the FAAOC
Professional Award: 45 €
Student Award: 20 €

Non members
Professional Award: 60 €
Student Award: 25 €

- Registrations received before 19 June 2015: 10% discount.
- Participants who certify their unemployment status will get a 50% discount in the price of inscription.
Discounts are non-cumulative.

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