New Earrings
2º Book of the collection
Inscrições até 18 de Setembro 2011
EFollowing the success and interest in the first edition of the book “New
Rings: 500+ Designs from Around the World”, I would like to invite you to
submit work for selection as to be included in the second book of the
collection, titled “New Earrings”.
In this new book, we attempt to gather a relevant, inspirational and
contemporary sample of earrings from all around the world. The selected
pieces will be featured with the profile of the artist and technical details
of the work.
The editing company will be Promopress
Every nomination is based entirely on the merit of the work submitted for
selection. In case your work is selected for publication it will entail no
fees on your part and you will receive a free copy of the book “New
Earrings”; however, shipping expenses from Barcelona to your destination are
NOT included.
Please find participation requirements here. Keep in mind
that the quality of the images you are submitting will play a definite role
in the nominations. Images should be in TIF format; resolution should be at
least 300 dpi. Each picture should have a maximum size of 297 x 210
millimeters (A4) or a minimum size of 148 x 210 millimeters (A5). Remember
that “one image is more powerful than one thousand words”.
Visuals and information should be submitted by September 18, 2011 to
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Nicolas Estrada