True Colors
Limite do prazo 1 Jun 2010
TRUE COLOURS New Traditional Jewellery 2010 international design contest and exhibition
For the design contest and exhibition 2010, the technical jury of New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) has chosen the theme ‘True Colours’, because literally as well as figuratively this theme offers considerable scope for inspiration.
True Colours may be approached from a social perspective, society if full of topical colour coding. Other examples may be found in heraldry, folklore and science.
True Colours refers to colours and pigments. Over the centuries the palette of art history has been determined by precious mineralogical and biological pigments that were obtained from ground semi-precious stones, processed metals, and earth, seeds and plants – materials that did not always bear the test of time; in the course of time white lead, e.g. turned black.
The link between the theme ‘True Colours’ and contemporary jewellery design is obvious. From time immemorial the significance and appreciation of jewellery have been determined by colour, among other things. From the use of gold or silver to enamels and mineralogical and biological stones: colour is a language. In the seventies and eighties it became manifest how rich this language is. The application of textiles and Perspex in jewellery led to a new form language and use of colour – an important stage in the emancipation of contemporary jewellery design.
True Colours is about the history, meaning, value, magic and power of the language of colour
Colour says something about status and social strata.
Colour can scream, curse, emancipate, help, condemn and segregate.
Colour is a statement.
General conditions:
Entries for ‘True Colours’, New Traditional Jewellery 2010 must be wearable. Installations and objects that do not logically tie in with the body are outside the scope of this contest.
Entries must be inspired by a historical or traditional piece of jewellery.
The source of inspiration should be made known and illustrated by means of a photo, and the translation into a new ornament be explained.
Entries should add a new chapter to an old story. The conditions for this design contest (new shapes evolving out of existing, threatened and/or lost traditions) do not imply a figuration. On the contrary. The jury wants to emphasize that the inspiration, and not the design per se, should be based on a past.
Entries should meet all criteria below
The impartial technical jury will judge the designs on the basis of the following criteria:
• interpretation and concept
• innovation and development
• execution of the design
The designs will be judged on the basis of anonymity.
The results of the competition are incontestable.
Theme: True Colours
The preservation of worldwide cultural heritage, the reassessment of symbol bearers, the creation of new traditions,
the revival of old traditions in a new form. These last two years inspiration was to be found in jewellery from traditional costume traditions (2006) and symbols of faith (2007) 2008 symbols of Intimacy
This year (2010) participants are invited to design a piece of jewellery based on a new theme: True Colours
The group of potential contestants is distinguished into two categories:
Category A : established jewellery artists and silverdesigners
Category B : final-year and advanced students of all art academies and fourth-level students of the gold and/or silversmith disciplines of training colleges, or comparable levels of part time education or evening classes
Each participant may submit only one finished piece of jewellery
The ornament should be wearable
The designs may not have been exhibited before nor seen/sold by third parties. Only ornaments made specifically for this contest will be eligible for nomination.
Apart from the design the participant is also expected to supply an explanation of the underlying idea, an inspirational text (no more than 15 lines) and a photograph of the source of inspiration.
All nominated designs will remain in the possession of the organization during all exhibitions and will not be returned for the duration (2.5 years at the most)
Submitting the design
Fully completed registration form by email before 1 June 2010
Payment of registration fee; before 1 June 2010
Fully completed design form by email before 1 June 2010
By handing in the design form the contestant assures the organization of having designed and made the design himself/herself and that he/she has not submitted the designs to other design contests or offered them for sale.
Fully completed design + registration form by regular mail together with the design to be in our possession between: Monday June 28. – Saturday July 17. 2010
Registration fee €35.00 per person payable to Rabobank 32 85 05 420 | IBAN: NL31RABO 03285054 20 - BIC CODE RABO NL2U
Each design submitted must be properly packed, in such a way that the packing material
can also be used for the return shipment. Should you be interested in a return shipment of
your entry, the name of the sender must be clearly stated on the package..
Entries that do not reach us in time will not be accepted and there will be no restitution of the € 35.00 registration fee. If these conditions are not met the entry will not be submitted to the jury and your entry will not be returned to you.
Forwarding address
EMB&B Art Events, NEW TRADITIONAL JEWELLERY 2010, Leersumseberg 28, 3825 EC Amersfoort The Netherlands
Participants from non-EU countries should take into account that delivery by post may take
around 5 weeks. On the parcels there should be a specification such as: design for contest, present, value below €15 or of no commercial value.
The shipping costs for the entry must be paid by the submitting party; they must also be exempt from import duties and customs charges.
Insurance and Liability
All entries are to be insured by the participants themselves. Participation in the contest can only effected on the express condition that the contestant himself/herself is liable for the loss and theft of or damage to his/her goods during transport and during the period up to the exhibitions at the various locations.
The designs remain the property of the designers. The objects may, however, be used by the SIERAAD organization for the purpose of publicity for the above mentioned activities. The designs remain in the possession of the organization until all exhibitions have been closed, and cannot be returned in the meantime.
The designs remain in possession of the SIERAAD organization until after the exhibitions.
When the participant submits his/her design, it is understood that he/she is aware of and accepts all conditions stated herein.
Materials to be used
The choice of materials is completely free.
Will be published on the website a little later:
Download all forms from :