‘Thinking-Jewellery 6’

‘Thinking-Jewellery 6’
On the way to developing a theory of jewellery
6º Colóquio de Joalharia
18 e 19 de Maio de 2010

Vai decorrer nos próximos dias 18 e 19 de Maio a 6ª edição de mais uma Colóquio Académico de Joalharia Contemporânea promovido pela , na cidade de Ider-Obstein.

Um leque de importantes conferencias irão decorrer durante este dois dias, uma excelente oportunidade para visitar esta importante escola e cidade no panorama da Joalharia Contemporãnea internacional

Mais um livro da conhecida ARNOLDSCHE intitulado “A Teoria da Joalharia, será lançado durante o Simpósio.


‘Thinking-Jewellery 6’

On the way to developing a theory of jewellery ‘Schmuck-Denken’ is an attempt to reflect on what jewellery is. It concerns an interdisciplinary approach which extends beyond the respective categories of art or craft, applied or free: the exploration of what jewellery means – not what it looks like.

In 2005 ethnologists, philosophers, cultural and natural scientists participated in an interdisciplinary discourse, in order to develop initial lines of thought. In 2006 the approach was more concerned with analysing the works and activities of conceptual jewellery artists, such as Astfalck, Mackert or Nisslmüller, and in 2007 the multi-layered relation- ship between beauty and uniformity was persued.

A debate about the importance of ornamentation for jewellery ensued in 2008.

This year the 6th colloquium deals with the all-embracing tendencies towards globalization, which operate at every level – economic, political and cultural. The focus is on the cultural and artistic global interdependencies of the past and present and also considers their effects on jewellery. In the process, the theme will be exemplified in detail, taking art in the Islamic world as an example.

‘Schmuck-Denken’ will be continued as part of the Idar-Obersteiner FormDiskurs 2011. A book ‘Schmuck-Denken. Eine Theorie des Schmucks. [A theory of jewellery]’ will be published by the ARNOLDSCHE Verlagsanstalt Stuttgart to mark the 6th colloquium. The book includes a large number of articles from 2005 - 2009.

Wilhelm Lindemann, Curator, City of Idar-Oberstein


‘Thinking-Jewellery 6’
Programa detalhado em:

Do qual destacamos as exposições:

" Many places later“ in the Villa Bengel"
Iris Eichenberg
18 de Maio – 10 de Junho 2010


I Care A Lot“ - Middle East Portable Discussion Jewellery Exhibition
18 de Maio – 10 de Junho 2010
Ider Obstein
