Trienal Internacional de Joalharia Contemporânea
de 1 Set a 31 Out 2014
Inscrições até 1 Ago
Imatra, Filândia


KORU5 is a international contemporary jewellery triennal organized now for the fifth time. The main purpose is to present widely international contemporary jewellery and bring together the artists, lecturers, researchers and people with interest in contemporary jewellery to take part in exhibition, seminar and workshops. The start of the event will take place in Imatra, Finland, autumn 2015.

Previous events:
KORU1, 2003 Lappeenranta, Finland
KORU2, 2006, Lappeenranta, Finland
KORU3, 2009 Imatra, Finland
KORU4, 2012, Imatra, Finland

The event is organized by Finnish Jewellery Art Association. The jewellery art association was founded in Lappeenranta in 2005. The association aims to promote contemporary jewellery in Finland and to improve its recognition as an art and design form. Another goal of the association is to increase awareness about Finnish jewellery internationally. As means towards those ends, the association organizes exhibitions, presentations and discussion panels, and distributes information about events.

Professional artists or artist groups who are working as jewellery artist and artist from other fields who concentrate to create new ideologies and aesthetic views in the sense of contemporary jewellery. The students can apply with works which are not tutored by teacher or diploma work. The invitation is global. There are no restrictions what comes to materials, size or realisation of the work.
The artist will apply with photos of his/her earlier work. The works presented in the pictures must be recent and not more than five years old. The selected artists are welcome to create new work for the exhibition. The application can be send either on cd by post or by email. There is no theme for exhibition. There is no participation fee. Costs concerning the shipping etc. are to be annouced later.

The application CD or email must include:

1. 5-10 digital images of your recent work (2010-2014) in .jpg format, the videos in .avi format. Name the pictures with running numbers and your name (1_firstname_lastname.jpg,  2_firstname_lastname.jpg, etc.)

2. A written list with the information about the pictures. The list must include the name of the file, the nature of the work, materials, size and the year of creation. The list in .doc or .docx format.

3. Artist statement as .doc or.docx format.

4. Your Curriculum Vitae  as .doc, .docx or .pdf format. (The selection will be anonymous and the cv is not shown to the jury. The cv is for the KORU5- team).

5. Your postal, email and website address as .doc, .docx or .pdf document.

6.Please mention in your application if you are applying with the works in the application or  will you make fresh work for the KORU5 exhibition. The jury has the right to make a selection from the works sent.

DEADLINE for the applications is 1.8.2014.

Send your application by email to:
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Or by post to:
Täky Galleria / KORU5
Satamatie 10
53900 Lappeenranta

The selection will be made by three membered jury. The applicants will get the results in September 2014. The works selected for the exhibition will be returned to the artist till the end of the December 2016

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