HRD Antwerp Graduates Club Symposium
Antwerp Diamond Bourse
29 Set 2014
das 9h30 às 16h45
The symposium will gather renowned speakers and scholars engaged in the diamond industry. In addition to interesting lectures, it's also a great opportunity to network and exchange experiences.
09.15 - 09.30: Registration
09.30 - 09.45: Welcome by Marcel Pruwer, President of the Board of Directors of the 'Beurs voor Diamanthandel'
09.45 - 10.30: Auctioning Rough Diamonds by Martin Leake, Head of Sales at Grib Diamonds
10.30 - 11.00: LPHT Treatment of Diamonds, the New HPHT? by Ellen Biermans, Research Manager at HRD Antwerp
11.00 - 11.20: Coffee break
11.20 - 12.00: Diamond Polishing over the Years by Eddy Vleeschdrager, Diamond Expert and Author of the Book 'Hardness 10'
12.10 - 12.50: Black Opals from Lightning Ridge, Australia by Geoffrey M. Dominy, Author of the 'Handbook of Gemmology'
12.50 - 13.50: Award Ceremony and Lunch
13.50 - 15.15: The Daily Life of a Jewellery Expert by Daniel Struyf, Jewellery Expert at Christie's
15.15 - 16.00: A trip to Gem Markets in Mogok with Dr. A. Peretti by Francesca Peretti, Gemmologist at GRS
16.00 - 16.45: Concluding remarks and reception
Registration form aqui.
HRD Antwerp Graduates Club members: € 50,0 (Excl. 21% VAT) |
Non-members: € 75,0 (Excl. 21% VAT)
Lunch and coffee breaks inclusive. Seats are limited. First come, first
+ info:
+32 3 222 07 08
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