Reconsidering Identity – Seminar on jewellery art from New Zeeland
Röhsska museet, Göteborg
New Zeeland
19 Set
Coordenação de: Karin Johansson, Love Jönsson and Mona Wallström.
New Zealand is a special and exciting country with a vibrant arts and crafts movement. In this seminar, unique for the Scandinavian public we will learn about New Zealand´s contemporary art scene from three different perspectives, presented to us by top experts within the field.
Liesbeth den Besten, Amsterdam, is a Dutch critic, curator and lecturer internationally recognised as a leading expert on contemporary jewellery. She is the chairman of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation for contemporary jewellery and one of the cofounders of the network Think Tank: a European Initiative for the Applied Arts.
Warwick Freeman, Auckland, NZ has been working as a jewellery artist for more than three decades. His work is characterised by its simple symbolic shapes and the use of domestic materials. His continuous exploration of the phenomenon that is jewellery, including the relations between material, shape, tradition and social meanings, have rendered him the position as New Zeeland´s most internationally noted artist within his field.
Lisa Walker, München, grew up in NZ and got her education in jewellery art at Otago Polytechnic and der Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich. By reforming and putting together existing items, pieces of nature, garbage and precious material she creates jewellery that is personal and original, sometimes even chocking in its dissociation from the formal aesthetics of the field.
11.00 Registration and coffee
11.30 Introduction
11.45 Liesbeth den Besten:”Kiwi Tactics: Conquering the World from an Isolated Position”
12.45 Lunch
14.00 Warwick Freeman: "Two-Headed Dogs: Making a Place for Making"
15.00 Fruit snacks
15.15 Lisa Walker:”Sometimes: A Retrospective Look at Works from 1992-2009”
16.15 Conclusion
17.00 Reception at Warwick Freemans exhibition, Galleri Hnoss, Konstepidemin.
18.00 Party at Konstepidemin
The Seminar is arranged in cooperation with HDK, Röhsska museet, Galleri Hnoss and Paletten magazine, supported by Göteborgs slöjdförening, Estrid Ericsons stiftelse, Iaspis and Göteborgs kulturnämnd.
The seminar is held in English and the price is 150 Kr (14 €), which includes coffee, vegetarian buffet and fruit.
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Röhsska museet is situated in the city centre, just around the corner of Avenyn. Closest bus and tram stop is Valand. Bus 18, 42 and 58. Tram 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10.
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