2000 millimetres of Uncertainty

2000 millimetres of Uncertainty
Workshop de Verão
com Christoph Zellweger
Escola de Joalharia Alquimia, Florença
de  21 a 30 Jul de 2012

2000 mm is just a length. It could be 1200 mm or 2060 mm, it is just an arbitrary lengthŠ

 This workshop is about setting parameters.
 It is about working within restrictions, about creating chance and limiting choice.
 It is about the use of restrictions and chance in the creative process  It is about developing original ideas and your personal work.

 Looking for resistance, negotiating and accepting a set of self-set restrictions
  is a crucial way of entering a personal open-ended creative process.
 Creating opportunities through play and experimentation means
  looking for chance and exposure to what can¹t be thought about alone.
 The workshop commences with the idea of uncertainty to finally create new pieces of wearable works based on the traces of contemporary living and personal experiences.
 The workshop will allow participants to further trust in their own processes and make them find confidence in making considered as well as radical decisions.


+ info
ALCHIMIA Jewellery School in Florence
 Piazza Piattellina 3/r Firenze FI 50124 ITALY  tel/fax : +39 055 223218
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 blog: http://blog.alchimia.it
 web: www.alchimia.it

