International Jewellery Event Imatra, Finlandia
Inscrições até 11 Agos 2012 29 Out a 08 Dez 2012
Like previous years, KORU4 includes exhibition, workshops and symposium. The theme of KORU4 is Kindred Spirits. A kindred spirit is someone who feels and thinks the way you do or a person is similar with thoughts.
To the KORU4 exhibition 15 artist / artist groups have been invited, and they have suggested their personal Kindred Spirit. Three KORU4-workshops are lead by:
Ruudt Peters & Evert Nijland, Mia Maljojoki & Pau Faus and Nelli Tanner & Tarja Tuupanen.
Please have a look at our webpages, and note, that the deadline for workshops is coming soon, 11th of August 2012.
KORU4 team
Eija Mustonen
Antonio Alltarriba
Nelli Tanner
Tarja Tuupanen
+ info