Patrícia Domingues | Many & Liberated,  brooch 2014, necura / staal

Fragmentation and Union
Patricia Domingues | Membro PIN
From the Familiar to the Wonderful
Karin Herwegh
Galeria RA
de 10 de Jan a 21 de Fev 2015


Patrícia Domingues |  Many & Liberated, broche 2014, necura / staal

Karin Herwegh,Karin Herwegh, necklace 2014, beech wood


Patricia Domingues (1986) has studied in Portugal, Spain, Estonia and Idar-Oberstein in Germany, where she did her Masters. She has been presented with a number of prizes: New Traditional Jewellery 2012, Talente 2014 and the Mari Funaki Award 2014.

Patricia explores how a territory, space or material is divided naturally or in a forced manner, in a real or imaginary way, into an inside and an outside. Her current focus is the fragmentation of a specific material – solid, reconstructed wood, perfect in structure. She works from simple forms that contrast with the spontaneous chaos created by the creative process. Patricia’s brooches and pendants are sculptural, monumental and aesthetic.

Karin Herwegh (1968) lives and works like a hermit in the countryside of the Dutch province of Zeeland. Her background and attitude combine directness and simplicity with great imagination and poetry. She uses available materials and simple tools. This collection mainly features lime and beechwood which she has worked with a knife and then coloured with oil or paint. She strings individual forms together into necklaces, sometimes adding textiles or a colourful accent. Karin is moved and inspired both locally and globally: by people and animals close to home and by the world of ethnographic art. She weaves these inspirations into new stories that are personal yet universal, strange yet familiar.


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