Lisa WalkerLisa Walker
New Jewellery
Masterworks gallery
Auckland, Nova Zelândia
Até 2 de Junho de 2010

This will be the first major exhibition of work by internationally acclaimed artist Lisa Walker since her return to New Zealand.
Recently awarded the Francoise Van Den Bosch Award based in Amsterdam, Walker is now one of two New Zealand jewellers to receive this prize.

Artist Profile of Lisa Walker   
One issue of this work aims at researching the differences between an acceptable notion of beauty or stereo-type, and some other kind of aesthetic - the search for an aesthetic that we hardly ever see, but nevertheless perhaps recognise.
Looking at this jewellery you find a subtlety and cleverness in the choices of materials and motives and the ways in which they are combined. While this is about play, it is not about just having a good time with shiny things, and the final decisions about finishing and grouping are sophisticated and exciting.
This is reactionary work, consciously active with influences and comments on cliched cultural celebrations. The pieces are laced with references to conventional and contemporary jewellery, questioning what jewellery means, andcan be.

Helen Britton, Munich, 2006

+ info:
Physical Address
77 Ponsonby Road

Postal Address
PO Box 47794

Ph +64 9 378 1256
Fax +64 9 378 1257

Gallery Hours
Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 4pm
