Hilde de Decker
Galeria Platina
Inaugura 20 de Jan 2011 das 17h às 20h
até 19 de Fev 2011

Imagine you visit an exhibition and there's nothing to see.
You walk through the room with the feeling that everything is gone and no
one is any longer there.
The gallery sounds hollow, though the rooms are not empty.
Hilde De Decker reduces the material in order to discover one another. She
uses the void as the visual means to show just what has been omitted.
Omission is not the same as reducing the contents, but on the contrary, it
can intensify and show more.
The exhibition On the move is an open experience where the viewer can open
up their own records of mental images, and rely on what she or he sees.
There are objects and visual objects even if they have taken unexpected
forms and gives the concept of material a more subtle reality.
This requires more of the visitor but eliminates forced beliefs and
Filled with emptiness, this exhibition wavers on the edge of the tangible
and absent picture.
Hilde De Decker lives and works in Belgium. Since 2000 she teaches, gives
lectures and workshops at different art schools.
She has been head of the Jewelry Design Department - Gerrit Rietveld
Academy, Amsterdam 2005-2006 and since 2008 she is Head of the Jewelry
Department in Sint Lucas Antwerp. 

+ info:
Galeria Platina
Odengatan 68, Stockolm
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