Allures et Parures
Nouveau regard sur la Hollande
Annelies Planteijdt
Suzanne Esser
Birgit Laken
Lucy Surneed
Carla Nuis
Espace Solidor
28 Mar a 31 Mai
Five women and their passion for jewellery
In choosing among the many talented contemporary jewellery designers in the Netherlands, I let myself be guided by my intuition. I wanted to organise an exhibition in which the items on display formed a harmony, reinforced each other, and also highlighted the specific artistic design of each one. Each of the women has been working in jewellery design for a long time, and each has developed her own style with no concern for current trends.
As far as I am concerned, what is important is not that they are well-known, nor that they have lengthy CVs, nor how many awards they have won, but the way in which each one expresses herself.For example, you will discover Annelies Planteijdt, whose ingenuity will surprise you – the same elements create new sensations each time.
Carla Nuis makes subtle use of advanced technology to create refined and sophisticated jewellery.
Suzanne Esser favours the monumental – the jewellery she creates is reminiscent of small-scale sculptures.
Lucy Sarneel, whose choice of materials as well as her compositions creates a universe of poetry and reverie.
I hope, through this exhibition, to share with you and demonstrate my admiration for these colleagues.
I would like to express my thanks to the town of Cagnes-sur-Mer.
Birgit Laken March 2009
Qua a dom 14-17
Espace Solidot
Place du Château
Sul de França