Terra di Mezzo il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra   il Mediterraneo

Terra di Mezzo
il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra il Mediterraneo

Sala Convegni - Castello Medievale di Nocciano
Pescara Itália
Inauguração 21 de Jun. 18h00

Por ocasião dos Mediterranean Games of Pescara 2009, a Institution Castello e o Museo delle Arti di Nocciano apresentam a Exposição Terra di Mezzo – il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra il Mediterraneo.

Com a participação dos trabalhos de 31 autores de 23 países.
A exposição inaugura dia 21 Jun 2009, 6.00 pm, na sala de conferências do Museum of Nocciano.

Terra di Mezzo il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra   il Mediterraneo

Artistas participantes:
Amandine Meunier - Marrocos
Estela Saez Vilanova - Espanha
Marc Monzó - Epanha
Yiannis Siotis - Grécia
Ljudmila Stratimirovic - Servia
Anda Klančič - Eslóvenia
Alidra Alic Andre de la Porte - Bosnia/ Herzegovina
Ramon Puig Cuyàs - Espanha
Augousta Themistokleous - Chipre
Constantinos Kyriacou - Chipre
Polytimi Nikolopoulou - Grécia
Adrean Bloomard - Italia
Rallou Katsari Grécia
Selen Ozus - Turquia
Maud Traon - França
Sophie Robbe - França
Rana Mikdashi - Líbano
Frederic Braham - França
Nenad Roban - Croácia
Pilar Cotter Nuñez - Espanha
Ammal Labib - Egipto
Marijana Zebelijan - Montenegro
Petra Bole - Eslovénia
Natasa Grandovec - Eslovenia
Romi Bukovec - Eslovenia
Fabrizio Tridenti - Italia
Giovanni Sicuro - Italia
Maria Rosa Franzin - Italia
Mirjana Rankovic - Sérvia
Rossella Tornquist - Italia
and Maurizio Stagni - Italia

The main topic of the event is the Mediterranean as the “sea between lands, border and connection sea between these lands”.
The Mediterranean is the line where north-west and south-east of the world meet and a crucial area for the future of humankind.
This point of contact may become, as the writer Samuel Huntington says, “the starting point for dialogue between civilisations”, where common features are mixed with differences and the respect for “diversity” is based on understanding and knowing other people’s nature.

Each community should learn from the others and teach to them: it is possible to break the “game” aiming at creating monolithic cultures only through these connections.
This was probably not understood in the past, but now a defined direction should be outlined and followed to achieve this objective.

Therefore, the “voice” of the Mediterranean is not coming from the past, but from the future, according to that balance between land and sea, belonging and freedom, where a living model does not demonize our need for establishing links or our need for freedom.
If it is true that hope is in the future, then assigning this message to an extremely contemporary and innovative art expression can help us achieving this objective.
This is the reason why Contemporary Jewellery was selected, as this is a sector of advanced research and experimentation halfway between design and tradition, as an expressive language to disseminate this message.
Through Contemporary Jewellery research, it is possible to highlight and give value to the cultural diversities characterising all communities living around the shores of this Sea.
This project has several purposes: promote the cultural heritage that has always characterised the Municipality of Nocciano, i.e. its Medieval Castle and Picture Gallery beyond the regional and national borders.
At the same time, this event includes the possibility to create a tourist-cultural movement between the Mediterranean Village and Nocciano, which are a few km far from each other.

This initiative is supported by the Municipality of Nocciano and PescarAbruzzo Foundation.

Terra di Mezzo il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra   il Mediterraneo

Catálogo com intervenções de:
Rita Marcangelo –  Presidente da Contemporary Jewellery Association (AGC) Trieste
Bianca Cappello – Historiadora de Arte,  Milão
Rita El Khayat – Premiada com a Palma per la Pace e Patrona Oficial dos Mediterranean Games
Ivan D’Alberto - Director do MAAAC de Nocciano.

A exposição está patente ao público na Sala de Conferências do Castelo de Nocciano. Entrada livre até 19 de Julho - Sábados das 10.00 - 12.00  e Domingos das 16-19.30.
Durante a semana a exposição pode ser visitada consoante marcação prévia.
Para mais informações contactar ++39 3488286251.

No dia da Inauguração Lorenzo Boggi, director do Studio 2B, oferecerá uma peça sua à colecção
permanente do MAAAC.
O evento terminará com um concerto-cocktail com o trio de cordas  Matteo Freno, Cecilia
Grifone e Chiara Antico.

Terra di Mezzo il Gioiello Contemporaneo incontra   il Mediterraneo
+ info:
Local:  Conference Room – Museo e Archivio degli Artisti Abruzzesi Contemporanei (MAAAC) – Medieval Castle of Nocciano (Pescara)
Morada: Largo Madonna del Piano – 65010 Nocciano (Pescara),
Municipality of Nocciano
Horários:  from 21 June 2009
(vernissage at 6.00 pm) to 19 July 2009, Saturdays from 10 am to 12 (noon) and Sundays from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm
Contacto: Ivan D’Alberto, phone
++39 3479558158,
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