Feira Internacional de Joalharia Contemporânea
6-9 Novembro 2008

A Feira Internacional de Joalharia – SIERAAD, que decorre anulamente em Amsterdão, convidou este ano a escola Ar.Co a estar presente. Onze alunos irão mostrar os seus trabalhos dando assim uma ideia do ensino da Joalharia em Portugal. Para além do Ar.Co estarão igualmente representadas mais 2 escolas que ensinam Joalharia – a Academia Gerrit Rietveld em Amesterdão, e da Fachshule em Dusseldorf.

Para além das escolas estarão presentes diferentes autores, na sua grande maioria holandeses. Poderá ainda visitar a exposição com os resultados das peças ao concurso internacional de design New Traditional Jewellery, este ano sob o tema “ Intimidade”.

Alexandra Rodrigues
Alexandra Rodrigues
Mariana Gonçalves
Mariana Gonçalves
Thyphaine le Monnier
Thyphaine le Monnier

SIERAAD, International Jewellery and Silver Design Fair, is moving to satisfy the growing interest of jewellery artists at home and abroad. The fair will move to the spectacular gasholder on the site of the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam.

With our transfer from the RAI to the Westergasfabriek one of SIERAAD’s long-cherished wishes will be fulfilled. The Westergasfabriek plays a prominent role in unusual presentations and manifestations in the field of art and culture. In the management of the Westergasfabriek, the SIERAAD organization has found a partner offering the possibility of expanding the SIERAAD fair and advancing its date.
From time immemorial Amsterdam has occupied a leading position when it comes to the production, finishing and sale of jewellery. A glorious past which SIERAAD and the Westergasfabriek will jointly
provide with a new incentive, for which SIERAAD has entered into a long-term cooperation with the Westergasfabriek.
In actual fact, this means that SIERAAD will expand and offer more artists an opening to present their work to a wider public. Moreover, starting this year the fair will be held a month earlier, from 6 thru 9 November; in this way SIERAAD will also accommodate the wishes of foreign participants in particular.

The exhibition of entries for the international design contest New Traditional Jewellery, which is part of the SIERAAD fair, is literally and figuratively its heart. The theme of New Traditional Jewellery 2008 is Intimacy.
Last year’s theme, Symbols of Faith, resulted in over 330 entries from all over the world. The technical jury made a selection of seventy pieces of jewellery for an exhibition, which will be on show in the CODA museum in Apeldoorn from October 18th until January 18th 2009.

I would like to inform you about Ar.Co presence during SIERAAD, Ar.Co – Centro de Arte e Comunicação Visual, from Lisbon, will present work from eleven students from different levels: BEATRIZ MOUSINHO, DAVID PONTES, JOANA M. CAPITÃO, MANUELA DOMINGUES, MARIA ANA PERES, MARIANA GONÇALVES, SOFIA CANAS DA MOTA, SONIA BRUM, VÂNIA JOÃO, TYPHAINE LE MONNIER, XANA RODRIGUES. They will present some examples of them work in order to give an idea about the Jewellery Department at Ar.Co.

Unusual designs
Apart from the classical designs, which may or may not feature the use of gems, there are unusual designs made of unconventional materials. Peggy Bannenberg, e.g. makes a series of  ornaments using eggshells of different types of birds and Marieke Slangen, in cooperation with artists from India, designs ornaments arising from her love of folk art, using handpainted wooden beads. This year the work of a Cuban goldsmith, Jorge Gil, will be on show as well – his work is characterized by a certain sturdiness and love of the material.
The jewellery on show ranges from personal ornaments for everyday use to pieces with which you can steal the show.
There is work to suit everybody’s purse; because it takes place just before the festive season, the fair offers the ideal opportunity to buy an original Christmas present.

Two training colleges will present the work of their talented students, viz. the Fachhochschule in Düsseldorf, in Lisbon and the Rietveld Academy from Amsterdam.

The Apeldoorn CODA museum will stage an exhibition with the theme “Intimacy”.

Talent on its way
A presentation of young jewellery designers who graduated from the Rietveld Academy during the past two years and are now trying to establish themselves as independent designers.
This presentation enables them to present themselves during a short period of time to a wider public that is specifically interested in jewellery design, e.g. various museums, galleries and collectors.
The interaction and person-to-person contact between artist and public contributes to the content of the artist and his/her work. This exhibition will be under the auspices of Marjan Unger, art historian and DE publicist in the field of contemporary jewellery design. For more than ten years she headed the department of Free design of the Sandberg Institute.
This presentation is supported by the Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst.

Once again in this art fair the public will be able to get an impression not only of the great variety in work made by designers of jewellery using new and contemporary materials, but also of the splendid works featuring traditional precious metals and gems. SIERAAD art fair offers visitors the possibility to buy a unique and personal piece of jewellery directly from the artist, or to make an appointment to discuss the making of a personal design. It is clear that modern jewellery designs are increasingly collected as small objets d’art.

Editors, please note:
SIERAAD, International Jewellery and Silver Design Fair, is the only international, specialised fair where goldsmiths and jewellery designers show and sell their work directly to the public. SIERAAD also accommodates special exhibitions and jewellery shows. The SIERAAD fair has existed since 2001 and has become an annual public event lasting four days.

New Traditional Jewellery (NTJ) is an annual international design contest for jewellery artists. For every edition a theme is selected, based on historical and obsolescent jewellery traditions. Participants are challenged to come up with new, contemporary shapes for old symbol bearers. A technical jury makes a selection which is on show during the SIERAAD fair, at which time the names of the winners of NTJ are officially announced. After the fair the exhibition will travel and be shown both at home and abroad.

6 – 9 November 2008, Gashoulder at the WesterGasfabriek Amsterdam:

Opening hours:
Thursday, November 6: 14.00 – 18.00 hours
Friday, November 7 through Sunday, November 9: 11.00 – 18.00 hours

Cars are not admitted on the premises; parking is possible in Parking Garage Westersluis, Van Bleiswijkstraat 8, corner Haarlemmerweg – Van Slingelandtstraat.
The parking garage is diagonally opposite the Gasholder, at 6 minutes’ walking distance.  

EMB&B Art Events,
Mrs. Astrid Berens,
0031 (0) 548 366 860
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