Laser Art residence
Candidaturas até 31 Março 2014
Lappeenranta, Finland
The laser art residence is a common working platform of Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT) and the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, which seeks new solutions for industrial design and product development by applying laser technology to art.
This unique residence offers artists possibilities to use laser processing machinery in their art and challenge traditional ways of viewing laser technology. The residency is offered by the Saimaa University of Applied Sciences and the Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Artistic work is conducted in the laboratory of laser processing at the Lappeenranta University of Technology with laser technology experts. The artists may work for example with metal, wood, plastic, paper, fabrics, stone or glass. Materials are provided to a certain extent.
Working periods in the residence are 1-3 months between September 2014 and June 2015. Application period is from February until 31st March 2014. Artists apply via the electric form at
For the selected artists we offer reasonable travel costs, accommodation and a 500-euro grant per month.
The laser art residenceis a research project funded by TEKES (The Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation). It is part of the Feelings program that aims at Finland being a leading country in business driven by intangible values.
As there are companies involved in the project, we try to match each artist with a company to learn from each other and to share knowledge according to similar material or methodological interests. However, the artists do not work for companies in the project. If the artist and the company want to continue or expand their cooperation after the stay, it is possible. Collaborative partners in the project are Kalevala Koru, Oras, Puustelli Group, Suparinpei, Ylämaan Graniitti and AM Finland.
Further information:
Project manager Emmi Suhonen
tel. +358 40 678 4082
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The Saimaa University of Applied Sciences is an international university in Southeast Finland. Our campuses are located in the cities of Lappeenranta and Imatra. At Saimaa UAS you can study in five fields: Health Care and Social Services, Technology, Business Administration, Tourism and Hospitality and Fine Arts. We take good care of our 3 000 students and offer them high quality teaching and extensive tutoring.
Ever since its foundation in 1969, Lappeenranta University of Technology, LUT, has brought together technology and economics in a pioneering spirit. LUT's strategic focus areas are green energy and technology, the creation of sustainable competitiveness and operation as a hub of international Russian relations. Our international scientific community consists of 6,500 students and experts. LUT's operation is solution-focused and characterised by "open your mind" thinking: crossing boundaries open-mindedly, together.
Internationally acclaimed campus:
+ info:
Eija Mustonen
Koulutuspäällikkö | Degree Programme Manager
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Saimaan AMK | Saimaa University of Applied Sciences
Kuvataide | Fine Arts
Linnalan kampus
Tietäjänkatu 3
FIN-55120 Imatra