"Aesthetic Nutrition"
Video-installation “Aesthetic Nutrition” by artist Ana Cardim,
curated by BYPASS
Dia 6 de Julho às 22:00h
The video installation proposes “aesthetical nutrition,” which provides a reflection on the socio-economic issue generated by the imbalance of values of equivalence established by market rules that operate within the contemporary capitalist system. Gold, being a precious commodity, is used in a quantitatively disproportionate (but financially beneficial) comparison with rice, which, qualitatively speaking, forms the basic diet of more than half the world’s population and something that, over the centuries, has ensured the survival of those living in Asia. In this way, the clash and the gap between values that nurture ambitious and redundant needs for power and ostentation, and the values that allow people to satisfy basic nutritional and physiological human needs is highlighted.
Ana Cardim
Nhuno Viana (video)
Xiaomei Zou (model)
Clemente Torres Raya (photography)
Miguel Gomez Jordana (jewellery)
Manuela Cuevas (ceramic)
Álvaro Seiça Neves
Gaëlle Silva Marques
Editors & Publishers
Gonçalo Viegas
Cláudio Silva
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Rua Bispo de Dili, 1 - 2ºD
7000-649 Évora