Maio e Junho 2011
Unique in Amsterdam :ARTIST IN RESIDENCE¹ and ¹THE ROOM¹
Artists of all kind, jewellers, fashion designers, designers, ceramists,
musicians, architects, dancers, documentary makers, curators, students,
apprentices and all the other artists, art related, whom I forget who
have to work, study, exhibit or just to be in Amsterdam have the
possibility to stay in one of these studios.
The studio's are situated in a new area in the centre of Amsterdam, near
the Harbour.
City live, the proximity of the harbour and the IJ river, the presence
of outstanding galleries, theatres, museums and all the hidden pearls to
be explored, make Amsterdam an attractive place to be for a while.
New is:
The Françoise van den Bosch Foundation challenges every jewellery artist
to come up with a brilliant idea for a two month free residency at ³The
Artist in Residence² in May and June each year.
Coming May and June the first jeweller will work in Amsterdam, chosen by
the Foundation.
The jeweller chosen will keep a blog, linked to the web-site of the
foundation while working in Amsterdam.
Follow it on:
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Studio information:
The Artist in Residence :
The Room :
The Artist in Residence is available from October 2011
The Room is available from September 2011