Jewelry project
Andrea Wagner and Lynsay Raine na Índia

Please find below more information about the jewelry project
HandSHAKE in which I have collaborated in as one of
12 mentors for 12 graduate jewelers in New Zealand.

I also feel very honored to have been asked to contribute towards
the exhibition brochure with an introductory text.

The story and development of my working partnership with
Lynsay Raine can be followed on this link:

This touring exhibition begins showing in STUDIO 20/17 in Sydney, AUSTRALIA on Aug 9 through 21 before traveling on.
More details in the announcement below as well as on the HandSHAKE website.

This exciting project will also be extended into a second phase in 2012 in which 'apprentices' and mentors shall continue collaborating together to creating work for a new round of exhibitions.

My best regards,

Andrea Wagner
artist pages (new work):
