The Compendium of Contemporary Jewellery Makers
Andy Lim
Darling Publications
LThe Compendium of Contemporary Jewellery Makers in two Volumes, Part One, 2008
This 13,5 Kilo, 2400 pages Opus Maximus was released 14 March 2009 during
the International Schmuck 2009 Fair in Munich and already nicknamed by many
jewellers as "the Messiah" as it was eagerly awaited since a year and was
expected to bring great relief in the sleepless nights of jewellers
from 54 nations.
At the Compendium Party during the release, over 1000 visitors could catch a
glance at the most rumoured and gossiped about publication of 2008, and
managed to empty over 180 bottles with alcoholic content within a couple of
hours (at daytime!).
132 lucky jewellers could carry their boxed copies home (although quite many of
them somehow underestimated the physical weight of 14 kilos!). During the
waiting time for the rest of the edition to be bound (by hand!) it is
expected that the nickname "Messiah" will be still valid, although a big difference
is that The Compendium did show up.
The Compendium will show on a never done before scale and manner what is
happening in 2008 in the entire worldwide Contemporary Jewellery scene.
Jewellery Artists from 54 nations has been nominated by Jewellery Artists.
The 1st purpose of Andy Lim, the publisher and editor, is to try to establish
Contemporary Jewellery as an equally respected art form in the Contemporary
Art and to create a platform, not to be neglected, which will be
reached already by ts sheer volume and power of 1044 artists, united in one single
publication. It is not only a book about 1000+ jewellers, it is a book created by 1000+
jewellers, as every jeweller have the full freedom of a 2-page presentation a person. The
alphabetical order of presentation secures a non hierarchical and non political
ranking. The publishers 2nd purpose is to discover beyond the already wellknown
and established artists (ca. 300) interesting positions of
contemporary jewellery.
And who are better „talent scouts“ than the artists themselves? Who are more
aware than anybody else of what collegues are doing? They are at the cradle of
the work process. And as 3rd, but not least goal: to present an astonishing
bibliophile book in an unsurpassed quality of the highest standards in
the Art of Bookmaking.
- 2 Volume Hardcover in the Lim-slipcase with separate pull out system.
- Bound in the Final Edition of the stunning Techno Fabric.
- Print and handbinding entirely in Germany, as always with Darling
- A stunning book where you discover everything your heart desires and covets.
- An already legendary reference book, and that´s why a MUST for libraries,
museums, galleries, design lovers and the serious art and book collectors.
As Bruce Metcalf explained to somebody during the making of the Compendium:
"It's true there's no overarching curatorial viewpoint - by design.
Lim wanted to make the selection process more open & democratic than the usual methods used for an omnibus volume like this. That's why he put the power into the hands of the jewelers themselves. Why shouldn't jewelers be qualified to select other
jewelers? They are no less expert than curators or writers. In effect,
the book will show what jewelers think, collectively, about their own field. I think of the
selection process as similar to a work of conceptual art. Lim set up a
structure, and then let it operate like clockwork. No doubt there will be dogs,
but there will also be surprises. Think of it as an exhibition with 1000 curators.
You have to be elected first. Lim makes no exceptions to this rule; he has been quite
firm about it.
Nobody can offer to write a check and thus be accepted. Certain notable jewelers
have demanded exceptions to the rules, and Lim refused. Those notables - and
there are two that he told me about - then refused to participate. Lim did not
relent. I admire the integrity with which he has protected the
selection process. To be credible, the structure has to be incorruptible. There‘s also an element of chaos that Lim designed into the book. Every jeweler is in charge of designing their own pages, and every invited jeweler gets two pages. What‘s fascinating is that everybody gets two sides of a single page - no facing pages. That means
every jeweler is thrown cheek-by-jowl against two others, in
alphabetical order. A clockwork system that produces chance encounters... and nobody can exercise control! I don‘t know about you, but I think that‘s pretty great. Very
subversive of the jewelerly demand for control. Very Duchampian."
Karl Fritsch about the Compendium:
"The Compendium is unbelievable! It is a mad idea that came to an unbelievable /
unforseeable result that is unexpectedly fascinating to look at.
I would not like to be in the shoes of jewellers who are not in this book, as it
seems by the sheer mass of amazing stuff in these non-stop pages that nobody
is missed. I am sure that those jewellers who are not in the book,
will bite their own ass off!" Thank you Dr. Lim for your enthusiasm in heavy entertainment. You show us mercilessly the multi-facetted face of the unexploited legendary but widely undiscovered world of contemporary jewelry.
Or in short: The ultimate publication on contemporary jewellery, for very, very
long (actually more likely: ever) not to be rivalled in size, weight,
and quality (both contents and production).
The Price: 588,50,-Euro (includes Tax) + post and package.
+ info
Andy Lim
Darling Publications
Riehler Strasse 37
50668 Cologne