Conferência com Liesbeth den Besten
Comemoração dos 5 anos da PIN
Conferência com Liesbeth den Besten
"Catching Jewellery - how the Dutch do it"
PIN, Lisboa
22 Set às 18:00
Conferência com Liesbeth den Besten, NL
"Catching Jewellery - how the Dutch do it"
22 Set às 18:00
Em Setembro iremos comemorar os cinco anos da PIN, com alguns eventos entre os quais se inclui uma conferência com a Historiadora de Arte Liesbeth den Besten, especializada em Joalharia Contemporânea Holandesa e Presidente da Françoise Van Den Bosch Foundation, no dia 22 de Setembro terça-feira às 18:00, nas instalações da PIN.
"Catching Jewellery - how the Dutch do it", será o tema a desenvolver.
Liesbeth den Besten falará sobre Françoise van den Bosch e a Fundação, dando uma visão da História da Joalharia de autor contemporãnea tanto na Holanda como internacionalmente, desde os anos 70 até agora.
Mostrará imagens de trabalhos da Françoise, de vários artistas
contemporâneos, dos trabalhos premiados pela Fundação desde 1980 ( de Paul Derrez a Karl Fritsch e Ted Noten) e de jovens talentos mergentes de vários países, com especial enfâse na colecção da Fundação.
Falará sobre os mais recentes projectos e planos da Fundação Françoise van den Bosch.
Liesbeth den Besten, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Drs. Liesbeth den Besten studied Art History and Archaeology at the University of Amsterdam. Since 1985 she worked free lance as a writer for Dutch newspapers, Dutch and international art and design magazines and exhibition catalogues. Besides this she is active as an advisor and jury member for Dutch and international governmental institutions, exhibitions and competitions, and she lectures about contemporary jewellery and crafts, at international conferences and art academies in Europe, US, Australia and New Zealand. She curated different exhibitions, among them Tall Stories – contemporary Dutch narrative jewellery (2006, Stedelijk Museum ‘s-Hertogenbosch NL and Erasmus Huis Jakarta Indonesia). Recently she curated the jewellery room for the prestigious exhibition Blown with the Wind in the Zuiderzee Museum Enkhuizen (March - November 2009), under the authority of fashion designers Alexander van Slobbe and Francisco van Benthem about fashion, accessories and jewellery. She is the chairwoman of the Françoise van den Bosch Foundation for contemporary jewellery. She is a member of the advisory board of the Chi ha paura…? Foundation for serial jewellery. She is one of the founding members of Think Tank, a European Initiative for the Applied Arts. Currently she is engaged in writing a reflective book on international jewellery.
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