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Mónica Romãozinho

+351 966296561

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Description of the project

This Jewellery project relays on space for concept and nature for poetry, merging Architecture and Interior Design at a conceptual and methodological level. We had started with the experimentation around housing typologies inspired by nature, by its asymmetric but at the same time modular shapes and its capacity to metamorphose. The purpose was not the construction itself but the transposition of this process to jewellery practice would imply the materialization of these spatial concepts. We had explored the movement of undulating surfaces, the relationship between shadow and light, scale variations, the opposition between empty and full spaces, chromatic or texture contrast. A jewel can convey different appropriations and emotions such as a habitat, poetic and intangible space regardless of the economic value of its constructive solutions. Jewellery can be an extension of our selves just like interior design and that is the reason why we produce unique pieces or limited series. This contemporary jewellery project focuses on a design methodology, following the next main principles: spatiality, mutability, and versatility. Sketches and cardboard models were intersected with 3D software and 3D printing without forgetting traditional jewellery skills. Another complementary approach was the assemblage and folding technique from pre-existing materials, in response to the urgent question of sustainability and the need to reuse wastes.


Curriculum (Synopsis)

Researcher at CIAUD of FAUL and Professor at University of Beira Interior (2020) and School of Applied Arts of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal (2003-2020). PhD in Design (2013, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon), Master in Design (2007, FA-UTL) and Architect (1999, FA-UTL) After years working in Architecture and teaching, we started developing jewellery design as research field inside CIAUD in a post-doctoral project called “Possible but improbable spaces” (2016-2020) under the supervision of Professor Moreira da Silva. With international articles published in the scope of History of Design, Interior Design, and Contemporary Jewellery.


Next exhibition

- Collective exhibition, with two selected pieces. "JewelryDrops2021" at Milano Jewelery Week, Milano, Italy, June 2021.

Last exhibitions:

- IXXI Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira, Vila Nova de Cerveira, Portugal, 1 August- 31 December 2020;

- Collective Exhibition “Anti Vírus” at Tincal Lab, Oporto, Portugal, 1 June- 31 December 2020;

- Individual Exhibition “Possible but Improbable Spaces: From space to the materialized jewel” at Fábrica da Criatividade, Castelo Branco, Portugal, 19-28 July 2019;

- Collective Exhibition at Sogn og Fjordane, Norway, 24 August 2017;

- Individual Exhibition of the jewellery collection “As Flores de Josefa”, Museu Municipal de Óbidos, Portugal, 18 May -30 July 2017.


Selected publications

- Romãozinho, M. (2021). “Playful Spaces”: A Design Approach in Contemporary Jewellery. In Perspectives on Design: Research, Education and Practice II. Coord. João Neves, Daniel Raposo, José silva. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In press.

- Romãozinho, M. (2020). Sustainability in the jewellery design process: reusing and reinventing. In Perspectives on Design. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In press.

- Romãozinho M. (2020). From Interior Design Imaginary to Jewellery Concept. In: Raposo D., Neves J., Silva J. (eds) Perspective on Design. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 1. Springer.

- Romãozinho, M. (2019). “Possible but improbable spaces”: From Interior Design experience to Jewellery Creation. In Advances in Ergonomics in Design. AHFE 2019. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In press.

- Romãozinho, M. (2018, noviembre). “Espacios posibles pero improbables”: Mutabilidad y Reutilización en el Diseño de la Joyería. AREA – Agenda de Reflexión en Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo, (25). In press. Retrieved from:

- Romãozinho, M.; Silva, F. (2018). From Imagined Space to Materialized Jewell: Creative Processes. Convergências - Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes , VOL XI (21). Retrieved from:

- Romãozinho, M.; Moreira da Silva, F. (2018) From living space to the scale of object: experimental processes in Jewelery Design. In: Investigação e Ensino em Design e Música, Vol.1. Edições IPCB.

- Romãozinho, M., & Fernandes, A. (2017, maio 31). Design creative processes applied to fashion accessories from Cargaleiros’s work of art. Convergências - Revista de Investigação e Ensino das Artes, VOL X (19). Retrieved from:

- Romãozinho, M. (2017, Enero). As flores de Josefa: Linha de Joalharia de autor. Res Mobilis: Revista internacional de investigación en mobiliario y objetos decorativos, 6 (7), 117-129. Available at:
