Nininha Guimarães dos Santos
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Nininha Guimarães dos Santos
1953 Porto
Lives and works in Lisbon
1995 - 2000
Studies jewellery at Ar.Co (Lisbon)
Lost wax with Fausto Franchi (Italy)
Goldsmith and ceramics with Fausto Franchi (Italy)
Modeling paste with Conceição Abreu (Portugal)
Investigation about how to present an object more precisely a jewell with Katharina Menziger (Switzerland)
"The Chain of Lissabon" with Ted Noten (Netherlands)
Chasing and repoussé with Fausto Franchi (Italia)
Enhancing the Jewelery and Mr Vacanti with Christoph Zellweger (Switzerland)
Jóias do Ar.Co
Centro Cultural Português
Rabat, Marrocos
Impressions on Portuguese Contemporary Jewellery
“Silver Biennial”
Collective exhibition of Jewellery
Museum of Lamego
“4 Pontos de contacto entre Lisboa e Roma”
Cultural interchange in the area of contemporary Jewellery, between Portugal and Italy
Tereza Seabra Gallery, Lisbon
Alternativas Gallery, Roma
“Circuit” _ This Event is the fusion of visionary fashion, design and culture.
Usually in Barcelona, this year for the first time in Lisbon
“Closer” – Interactions arising from the museum and its collections;
X Simposium of contemporary jewellery ARS Ornata Europeana
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, Lisbon
"Museu Aberto - Biennial de Monsaraz"
Collective exhibition of painting, sculpture, jewellery, photography, etc.
"Ponto de encontro"
1978-2003 / 25 years of interventions in the jewellery department of Ar.Co,
Centro de Arte Moderna José de Azeredo Perdigão, Lisbon
Mercado Mundo Mix
A fair of young talents in all areas of design including jewellery
Opens the workshop “Nininha Guimarães dos Santos” in Lisbon
“Bling Bling”
Collective exhibition of painting and jewellery
Madrearte Associação Cultural, Lisboa
"Objects for Dreams"
Galeria AURUM, Copenhagen
Goldsmith and Ceramics
Palácio da Galeria, Tavira
Exhibition of Portuguese jewellers
(in the Festival of Arts of north Norway - Galeria Bolgeblikk), Harstad
Collective exhibition of painting, sculpture, jewellery
Galeria Almagre Artes e Ofícios, Lisbon
(Integrated in Oporto 2001 – Cultural Capital of Europe and in the general theme of Espaço T 2001: New forms of art: New values. Promoted by Espaço T – an association for the social support and integration in the community (an exhibition for blind people). Oporto
Galeria Diferença , Lisbon
Ar.Co - Quinta S. Miguel, Almada
“Profile of Portugal – A bet on the future”
Galeria ABC Serrano, Madrid
Ar.Co, finalist and scholarships
Cordoaria Nacional, Lisbon
“Isto é uma Jóia - 20 years of jewellery in Ar.Co"
Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo, Lisbon
Ar.Co - Quinta de S. Miguel, Almada
Pot Pourri Luso – International Simposium of contemporary jewellery - ARS Ornata Europeia
Forum Ferlandina, Barcelona
Exhibition integrated on the 1st Biennial of "Experimenta Design"
Galeria Reverso, Lisbon
"Desideri Preciosi - Mostra di argientieri e orafi romani" – 7th Edition (an exhibition organized by the chamber of commerce of Rome and by the Goldsmith Nacional Association of Italy)
Hotel Plaza, Rome
Ar.Co - Quinta de S. Miguel, Almada
Ar.Co - Quinta de S. Miguel, Almada
Ar.Co - Quinta de S. Miguel, Almada